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Altri test e strumenti > Bilitest per la bilirubina transcutanea
Il CHROMATICS COLORMATE III (Chromatis Color Science International inc., New York, NY) richiede (per una determinazione della stima della bilirubina transcutanea) una variazione del colorito cutaneo del neonato a confronto di una misurazione eseguita obbligatoriamente entro le prime 30 ore dalla nascita.
Brief Summary
Transcutaneous bilirubin testing. Laboratory medicine practice guidelines: evidence-based practice for point-of-care testing.
Kazmierczak S, Bhutani V, Gourley G, Kerr S, Lo S, Robertson A, Sena SF. Transcutaneous bilirubin testing. In: Laboratory medicine practice guidelines: evidence-based practice for point-of-care testing. Washington (DC): National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB); 2006. p. 5-12. [74 references]
Guideline 10. The guideline developers cannot recommend use of the ColorMate III (Chromatics Color Sciences International Inc., New York, NY) bilirubinometer, because of the limited number of published articles describing the performance of this instrument. Evaluation of jaundice with the Air-Shields or BiliChek seems to provide accuracy similar to that of serum bilirubin measurements. The BiliChek and Air-Shield have the advantage, compared with the ColorMate III, of not requiring a baseline measurement. Finally, the guideline developers do not recommend assessment of bilirubin with use of the Ingram icterometer (Thomas A. Ingram and Co, Birmingham, England; distributed in the United States by Cascade Health Care Products, Salem, OR), because of its reliance on observer visualization of depth of yellow color of the skin.
Strength/consensus of recommendation: B
Level of evidence: II (well-designed correlation trials, clinical experience, descriptive studies, and opinion)...
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